International Women’s Day intercessory prayer

On this day we remember before you the women of the world.  We give you thanks for all those women who make the world a better place.  And we also remember the men who play an important role in their lives.   We plead for the women whose lives are blighted by pain and suffering.      We lift up before you women around the world who hold positions of power.  In governments, in large corporations, in small businesses, in work places and in Read more…


Dear Friends   It was a journey that Jesus had undertaken a number of times before. There was inherent excitement and expectation in heading off from Galilee for the capital, especially with the prospect of worshiping at the Temple. It was even more exhilarating to travel to Jerusalem for the Passover Festival, joining the crowds of other pilgrims on the way. Jesus had made that pilgrimage with his parents when he was 12 years old. It had been a formative Read more…


Dear Friends   Today is the first Sunday of Lent. In some traditions it is called Quadragesima, the Latin term for fortieth. Lent commences on Ash Wednesday and extends up to Easter Sunday (40 days, excluding Sundays). It is a time of preparation for Easter in a similar way that Advent is a time of preparation for Christmas. However, Lent is characterised more by prayer, self-examination, repentance, fasting and spiritual renewal. In recent centuries, the idea of giving up something Read more…

91 years old!

Dear Friends   Knowing we would be celebrating our Church Anniversary today, I asked our Church Archivist, Edna Jones, a few questions during the week. Here is what she shared with me.   How long have you been the Archivist and why did you take on the role? Only since the last Church AGM in August. I took over from Russell Holly who had been doing it for several years. I like history, especially Church history, and have an interest Read more…

The Lausanne Covenant

Dear Friends    The theme in today’s services is “sharing God’s love and justice and words and actions” (the third of our three church goals). As we consider that, I’d like to refer you to the “Lausanne Covenant”.  It is widely regarded as one of the most significant documents in modern church history. It arose from the First International Congress on World Evangelization held in Lausanne in 1974, which brought together around 2,700 Christian leaders from over 150 countries. Under the heading “Christian Social Responsibility” it declared the following.  “Although Read more…

Inclusion and care

Dear Friends On Tuesday morning I attended the Ecumenical Service commemorating the commencement of Parliament for 2020. I also decided to stay afterwards for “morning tea”. (More like breakfast seeing the service finished at 8.15am!) Apart from my desire for my first coffee of the day, I thought it would be a good opportunity, being a relative newcomer to Canberra, to continue mingling and networking. But after getting my coffee, I then stood around on my own for what seemed Read more…

Our submission to a NSW and ACT Baptist Association Taskforce on Baptist values and same sex marriage

Canberra Baptist Church Response   Context At the 2019 September Baptist Assembly a group of member churches brought a series of motions proposing disaffiliation of churches and pastors who no longer hold to the Association’s Foundational Beliefs, Objects and Values as outlined in the Constitution of the Association. These motions were prompted by the response of some of our member churches to the legalisation of Same Sex Marriage in Australia.  Assembly Council appointed a taskforce to shepherd a process of Read more…


Dear Friends   We had a plan. Well, in fact, for SMAD Camp we had several plans. We had a plan for the day. We had a plan for smoke haze. We had a plan for wet weather. What we didn’t plan for was hail. We can’t plan for everything that happens in life but what we can do is choose our attitude. We were blown away by the positivity after the storm. Once we had counted all the campers Read more…

Faith isn’t fireworks

Dear Friends You know how from time to time a passage of scripture gets stuck in your brain and stubbornly refuses to budge! For me, over the past few months, that passage has been Luke 17: 5-10, our lectionary reading from the beginning of October, particularly verses 7-9: “Who amongst you would say to your slave who has just come in from the fields, ‘Come and sit and eat.’ Wouldn’t you actually say to him, ‘Prepare and serve my meal. Read more…

A cup of cold water

Dear Friends Like you, I distinctly heard John and Kristine say they would not be returning to Canberra Baptist. In Kristine’s words, “Pilgrims never go back!” There’s been a few attempts to explain why they have come back (and gone back on their word!) but I have been thinking lately about the context of the original statement, the story Kristine told of how she and John had purchased some rather nice double walled stainless steel camping cups for the Camino Read more…