People plus God

Dear friends Belinda’s sermon last Sunday was titled “People plus God” and was based on Matthew’s account of “the feeding of the 5,000”. The single sentence that summed it up for me was: “The resulting feeding event is the combined work of divine and human agency, people and God prepared to work together.” It is a challenging thought with far-reaching implications for how we live our lives. A copy of the sermon as well as a recording of the whole Read more…

Kingdom of God

​I loved the picture of Ava’s pizza dough that she sent in to illustrate John’s sermon on Jesus’ parables in Matthew 13 last Sunday. And I hear the pizza was pretty good too! But I must confess that I – along with most of you – voted the mustard seed parable my favorite! (For those who missed it – the results were: mustard seed (21 votes), yeast (6 votes), hidden treasure (5 votes), pearl merchant (5 votes), fishing net (2 votes). Read more…

Surely God is in this place.

Dear friends Last Sunday Belinda preached on the story of Jacob’s dream about a ladder stretching between earth and heaven (Genesis 29:10-19a). The LORD appeared to him in that dream and promised to be with him and bless him. Belinda titled her sermon “Surely God is in this place”, based on Jacob’s exclamation when he awoke. The sermon also quoted the day’s Psalm (105): “Where can I go from your spirit? Or where can I flee from your presence?”  The answer Read more…

We groan in labour pains..

Dear Friends, It was wonderful to have a break over the last two weeks; to have time away as a family at Culburra Beach relaxing and reading books and celebrating Grace’s 18th birthday! It was also good to hear John preach on the 5th July on those very apt words for us, “Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest…” (Matthew 11: 28) Or, in the words of The Read more…

Overcoming missional paralysis

Dear friends It was great to have a “live” congregation in the church again last Sunday, even though numbers were still restricted and only A-H’s were invited. 32 attended, with others joining in via Zoom on 65 devices. If you missed it, the recording is available on our website at I led the service and preached on “You’re Invited” (from Matthew 11:16-19, 25-30). I shared the invitation that is extended to all — to joy through the mourning of Read more…

“A kind lady lives here”

Dear friends For last Sunday’s service a number of tricky technological changes were trialled in preparation for having an in-church congregation again this coming Sunday. Thanks to Steve Blackburn and Bruce Frazer especially for all their set-up work. While the changes worked better than expected overall, we will keep working on a couple of issues to ensure a quality experience for those in the church as well as those joining in remotely via Zoom. One different aspect of last Sunday’s Read more…

Wells of water

Dear Friends,   I am putting the ‘PS’ up front – so you all see it! As we are returning to larger gatherings from Sunday 5th July (just half of the congregation each Sunday) we decided to make that first Sunday with our Covid Safety Plan a little more straightforward by not having communion that day. Instead we are celebrating communion this Sunday – so please have some bread and juice ready at home this Sunday, 28th June! Last Sunday I was very fortunate to have the chance to reflect on the Read more…

See the Crowds

Dear friends Last Sunday’s service included reflection on Psalm 116, especially the opening verse – “I love the Lord, because he has heard my voice and my supplications.” Our mini-choir presented two related songs – “I love you Lord, and I lift my voice” and “I love the Lord, he heard my cries”. I’m not sure how well they came across on your Zoom, but I had the privilege of being in the church and it was absolutely beautiful. Thanks Read more…

Appreciation of one another’s gifts

I couldn’t decided whether to start this week’s ‘Sunday to Sunday’ reflection with, “Sunday afternoon turned out to more eventful than I thought it would be…” or “On Sunday afternoon I ended up at the Covid 19 clinic in Weston Creek!” Both are true. Seventy minutes before Sunday’s church meeting I was cleaning the kitchen and impaled the end of my finger on the Tupperware chopper (those blades are sharp!) We applied three band-aids (but they were a band-aid solution!) and the wound kept bleeding. Read more…

Trinity Sunday

Dear friends Last Thursday (28 May) was the 20th Anniversary of the Reconciliation Walk across the Sydney Harbour Bridge and yesterday was the end of National Reconciliation Week. Belinda reflected on this in her Sunday-to-Sunday email last week and also in the service on Sunday. The theme for National Reconciliation Week 2020 was “In This Together”, a theme that continues to be very relevant even after the week has finished. So let me tell you a bit about the painting Read more…