Faith that moves molehills

2 Timothy 1:1-14      Luke 17:5-10 I don’t know if you’ve noticed this. (Actually, I am sure you have!) But from time to time as you read Scripture, Jesus says something quite jarring. Of course, if we were more honest with ourselves and with how we read Scripture, this would probably Read more…

Open table

Luke 14:1,7-14 No sermon recording this week, apologies. (office manager needs IT help!)   On one occasion Jesus went to the house of the leader of the Pharisees for a meal, on the sabbath, and they were watching … right away we know there is something going on.  And then Read more…

Holy Manure

Psalm 71:1-6  Luke 13:6-9 No sermon recording available this week   You know this is a rather strange saying of Jesus.  But it is one that perhaps has a very profound meaning in terms of God’s presence with us.  At the beginning of the chapter where this verse comes, there Read more…

Running the Race

Hebrews 11:32-12:3 This will surprise none of you, but I am not a keen runner. In the roof of our house there’s a box with some of my school days paraphernalia and in it are two sporting ribbons. One, from year 8, for second prize in the hurdles and the Read more…

Love in spite of

Hosea 11 Across the confused and vicious years of political upheaval and conquest, across the terrain of tyranny, anarchy and the abandonment of the ways of sacred law and all things just and holy, Hosea brings a very special message of God. And it is simply and most profoundly a message of love.    When Israel was Read more…