
On Tuesday evening many in our church attended the events that were held, one in Garema Place and the other in Nara Park, to remember those killed in Christchurch last Friday. Our family went to Nara Park with hundreds of others to express our grief for the people of New Zealand, especially the Muslim community, and the Muslim community here. It was an opportunity to express all those things, but it was also an extraordinary experience of public prayer, in Read more…

Spiritual Reading

This week, in our journey of spirituality, we look at Spiritual Reading.  It is, as Thompson writes in her book ‘Soul Feast’, an opportunity to look at ‘The Dance of Lectio Divina’; meaning, using the Scriptures as a means to deepen our prayer and spirituality.  The practice of Scriptural meditation comes from the Benedictine traditions, but probably was common among the early reformers, and was anchored in the Judaistic tradition.  Thompson, for example, invites us to think about Psalm 139: Read more…

90th Church Anniversary

Today we gather to worship God – just as people have been gathering in this place for ninety years! Hallelujah! And throughout the week – as I have been thinking about why we gather for worship and why we have been doing it here in this place for ninety years – the little finger game we play with children has been coming into my mind, “Here is the church, here is the steeple, open and doors…here are the people!” Pictured Read more…


The word ‘spirituality’ is a relatively recent word used to describe prayerful piety; it probably gained prominence in the 17th and 18th centuries among English Protestant and French Catholic theologians.   It is obviously derived from the word ‘spirit’, and probably from the Latin spiritus to highlight the renewing touch of the Holy Spirit but there is no direct Greek equivalent in the New Testament. Paul insists that the Holy Spirit assists us in our prayers and in our Christian living.  Read more…


Today is the second in our Soul Feast series and because we are dovetailing (last Sunday, today and next Sunday) with our three church goals, we have jumped to the ‘Hospitality’ chapter to tie in with our second goal: Led by the Spirit, we will build inclusive, caring community.   This week as I’ve reflected on that goal and read some of the timeline contributions people have already started sending in (thankyou!), I was reminded of the story I told Read more…

Soul Feast

Today is the first Sunday in our series on Christian spirituality and the spiritual ‘disciplines’ which help us “attend to the work of grace in our lives and our times” using Marjorie Thompson’s book, Soul Feast (By the way, I still have four copies or you can buy one – in a variety of formats – online.)   In the new foreword of the new edition, Barbara Brown Taylor, writes that Marjorie is not a prescriptive spiritual guide, but one Read more…

Soul Feast

What is the best thing you have ever tasted? For many of us, over the last couple of weeks, it was probably gelato! Or perhaps it’s some of the family favourites that get served at Christmas. For those of us who believe in delaying gratification, it is that first bite of a crusty hot cross bun enjoyed on Good Friday and not before! Or perhaps it is a very special meal you enjoyed with others on some memorable occasion?   Read more…

Day of Mourning

Upon returning from Nicaragua, I chanced by the newly released Quarterly Essay entitled, ‘Moment of Truth: History of Australia’s Future’ by Mark McKenna. I couldn’t put it down; in fact, I wept, so powerful was the story painted of the struggle of the indigenous community of our nation. In one chapter, McKenna quotes the philosopher Raimond Gaita who reflected that “citizenship governed by the rule of law is a great good, but it runs deeper when nourished by love of Read more…


Epiphany is a Christian feast day, a day in the liturgical calendar for remembering one of the events in the life of Jesus, celebrated in many churches around the world in many different ways.   The word ‘epiphany’ comes from Koine Greek, ἐπιφάνεια, epipháneia, and was used of the appearance of the dawn – I am reminded of our Isaiah passage this morning, “Arise, shine; for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.” Read more…

Christmas at Canberra Baptist Church

Join in the festivities at Canberra Baptist this Christmas Period. Sunday 9th December – 9:00 am & 10:30am Choir Music Service Sunday 16th December – 6:15pm Carols in Telopea Park and free BBQ Monday 24 December – 11:00pm Christmas Eve Service at Wesley Uniting Church Tuesday 25 December – 9:00am Christmas Day Service