Dear Friends,

Aron and I got back on Tuesday after a wonderful time in Massachusetts and New Hampshire; celebrating my cousin’s wedding, catching up with friends from our years in Japan and brushing up on our knowledge of the American Revolutionary War and authors of the New England region!  We even – almost by accident – got to visit Robert Frost’s farm!

Save the date

But there’s no place like home! And it is very exciting to see all that is happening at the church this October. We are in for a big October!

Sunday, 1 October – We are gathering for worship, for communion and beginning a series on Paul’s letter to the Philippians. There will also be a notice in this week’s bulletin about a special meeting on Sunday 15 October to discuss and vote on our adoption of the paper that the deacons have prepared and now amended, after the consultations that have taken place across the church, Same-Sex Marriage and the NSW/ACT Baptist Association. Please read this and come on the 15th.

Sunday, 8 October – Following the service everyone is invited to a Spring Sausage Sizzle at the manse! If you would like to bring a salad to share – that would be super! After lunch, at 12:30pm, in the Church Lounge, there will be a discussion on the referendum – what it means and what an indigenous voice to Parliament could look like. Please come along for an open and honest discussion, led by the young adults and joined by a special guest panel (to be announced).

Saturday, 14 October – As well as being Referendum Day, from 10am to 2pm on Saturday 14 October, in the Church Hall, we are holding a Spring Clothes Swap. Please bring in your donations of (good condition) clothing: men’s, women’s, kids’ and babies’, any season, any size, to the church office anytime between now and 13th October. If you would like to help with the clothes swap, contact Steve or Cecelia. There are plenty of ways to get involved! 

Sunday, 15 October – After our morning service we will be holding our Special Church Meeting to discuss and vote on the adoption of the paper – Same-Sex Marriage and the NSW/ACT Baptist Association. Everyone is welcome to attend this meeting, but voting is limited, in Baptist churches, to church members. This might be a good time to talk to me about becoming a church member!  

Sunday, 22 October – This is our annual Blessing of the Animals service. Please bring your friends, family, and your pets. As the posters around the church property say, “All animals that feel comfortable with other animals are very welcome!” We will also have a special guest preacher on the day, First Nations Christian Leader and writer and speaker, Brooke Prentis.

Friday, 27 October – As part of the Open Baptists Gathering that Canberra Baptist is hosting over this weekend, Carolyn Francis, Lecturer in Baptist Identity and History at Whitley College in Victoria, will be giving an address on Baptist identity on Friday, 27 October at 8pm in the church. This event is open to everyone. Please come along!

Sunday, 29 October – On Sunday, as part of our worship, Carolyn Francis will be our guest preacher. Please stay after the service for morning tea and an opportunity to connect with others.

As I said – a big month! Let’s keep all these activities and our love and care for each other and our community in our prayers!

Grace and peace,


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