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Sunday to Sunday – 24 to 30 April 2023

Hi *|FNAME|*

Well, this is my last week (for now) of sending out the Sunday-to-Sunday email. Belinda will be back next week (yah!!!).
Today I’m sending one of the sections of the discussion paper that didn’t make the final cut – Yes! it was longer!!
As we move into a time when we’ll be discussing the idea of discerning a new Vision for Mission, I thought the Sunday-to-Sunday context may be a more accessible way of viewing a deleted section that may still be useful.

If you’d like a copy of the discussion paper, click on the painting below by Jerry Jangala and Topsy Napurrula – it helps set the scene for the discussion paper.

Grace and Peace

Where there is no vision, the people perish….

Proverbs 29:18

a. While we do need to be careful of how the above verse is understood and applied, there is much truth in the insight that our discipleship journey demands an ongoing refinement, if it is to stay active and growing. Our continuing growth, in all its distinctions, is a fundamental part of our faith journey.

b. Despite the bad news that have enveloped much of the universal church eg royal commissions, accusations of being irrelevant, viewed as supporting a right-wing agenda, CBC still has a role to play. We still have a gospel of inclusion and hope to advocate. We still have a calling to be a tangible expression of the love of God in our word and action. We still have a mission to embody – all in this day and age!

c. The needs within our wider community, are still real and present, in fact they are growing. Poverty in all its forms is very much part of our community. Despite appearance, Kingston is not exempt.

d. In a time when the resources and funding within the wider communities are under greater demand than ever. Our stewardship of our resources and assets are even more within the spotlight. If we are holding on waiting for a raining day, then we need to open the curtains and have a good look outside – the needs are pouring down!!

e. Our stewardship also applies to our giftedness and talents. As evident in the strength’s summary, CBC, at this time in its history, has something of a unique combination of the necessary strengths. We must not allow such strengths to atrophy and waste away.

f. If we discern one of the many ways we can best support our ministry and mission includes some form of property development, it will not be a quick process. 

g. The growth of the ACT population, projected to grow to approximately 784,000 persons by June 2060. As at September 2020, the population of the ACT was 432,215. The effect of such an expansive growth will only but compound the above issues.
Taking into account all the above, this discussion paper invites us to consider if a time of decision making is upon us. Indecision is a significant barrier to any vision. Being decisive, however, doesn’t mean we must make one all-consuming decision now. A staged and considered process of discernment can lead to greater outcomes.  
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