Christmas, we say, is the ‘season for giving’, but perhaps Easter is an even better season for giving!

At Easter we reflect again on Jesus giving his life for us, not as an isolated event, but as the completion of a lifetime of giving himself to God’s vision of love and inclusion and justice and compassion – all the things that come together in the biblical concept of salvation.

As we reflect and celebrate at Easter, we think about how this love and inclusion and justice and compassion has changed our lives. We also commit ourselves to living lives that enable this love and inclusion and justice and compassion to go on changing other people’s lives.

This weekend,  as we come together to worship and reflect and celebrate, there will also be two opportunities to give.

On Good Friday, we are invited to give to the 2021 Crossover Easter Offering.

Crossover is a national initiative of Australian Baptist Ministries (Baptist Union of Australia) and is committed to resourcing churches in effective communication of the gospel, equipping pastors and leaders and facilitating mission. 2021 is an exciting year for Crossover as the organisation is joining forces with Global InterAction to host the biggest evangelism conference in their 30+ year history. This is just one of the ways they are getting behind Baptist churches this year.

Crossover’s Easter video is designed to help churches understand the many needs Baptist churches of various kinds have for resourcing in Evangelism. It features everyday church members from different church contexts expressing their hopes and dreams for mission and evangelism. Please check out the video here –

There are a number of ways you can donate to Crossover. You can:

  1. Donate online (EFT or card) at  
  2. Donate by EFT. Please specify Easter Offering in the reference. (Account Name: Baptist Union of Australia BSB: 704 922 Account Number: 100 008 872)
  3. Fill in the Easter Brochure 2021 (attached – or available from back table of church) with your credit card details or cheque details.
  4. You can also put money in an envelope and place it in the retiring offering this Friday.

At either of our Easter services – Good Friday or Easter Sunday – you can also donate to the special PNG Covid Appeal.

Baptist World Aid Australia has launched an urgent appeal for funds to help respond to the emerging Covid-19 crisis in Papua New Guinea. The money will support Tinsley Rural Hospital in Western Highlands Province and two other Baptist hospitals. Tinsley is facing immediate closure due to a lack of personal protective equipment. Gifts of $2 or more are tax deductable. 

There are also a number of ways you can give to PNG Covid Appeal. You can:

  1. Donate online (EFT or card) at
  2. Call Baptist World Aid on 1300 789 991 if you wish to give by credit card or direct debit.
  3. Fill in the PNG Covid Appeal form (also attached) and place it, together with your cash or cheque, in a sealed envelope marked ‘PNG Covid Emergency Appeal’.  Then put the envelope in the box at the back of the church at either of our Easter services.

May our celebration of the resurrection this Easter Sunday morning bring life to us and life to others! Hallelujah! Christ is risen!


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