Dear Friends

I had been attending Canberra Baptist Church for a little over a year when I took on the role of Office Manager. It wasn’t until I was in the office, day in and day out, that I realised just how integral volunteers are to the running of the church. I have commandeered this week’s pastors note to take a moment to highlight the work that is done, and to thank everyone for their contribution to another year of this wonderful church’s life.

Thank you to each of the people who have taken responsibility for managing the rosters, and to everyone who has a turn on them: the flower arrangers, AV gurus, stewards, communion preparers and servers, the Sunday School leaders, the wonderful readers, the musicians and choir members, the counters of the offering and those who make morning tea happen.

There are so many (often unseen) ways that our congregants contribute throughout the week. Thank you to those who keep the grounds looking immaculate and water the plants, who make sure the bins have been put out; those who visit and look after people who are unwell, and remember and connect with the isolated and vulnerable in our midst. Those who organise our archives and protect our history, keep all our tech working smoothly, and do all the little odd jobs that keep this beautiful old building in such good shape.

Thank you to everyone who supports the special activities of the church: by bringing their pets to be blessed, by buying a present for the giving tree, by contributing their personal story for the anniversary, by giving to our Christmas and thank offerings, by coming and singing carols in the park, and by supporting and volunteering with the Community Centre’s activities.

Thank you to those who embody Christ’s inclusive love and justice, who don’t need an official volunteering role to still make a valuable contribution. Thank you for noticing and deliberately including those who are looking lost at morning tea. Thank you for supporting our young families with smiles of encouragement during the services.  Thank you to the young people for your active and enthusiastic engagement in the church community. Thank you to everyone who participates in a small group. By doing so, you are creating intimate communities, within our church family, in which people can find connection and support.

As I get to know all the people at Canberra Baptist, and the individual gifts each of you contribute to our community, I am so thankful to God that I am able to call this church home.

Merry Christmas!         –Cecelia

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